Friday, 25 October 2013

Sleep is for the weak....

We are finally out of a hideous 3 weeks with E. 

Since we have moved, we have had hardly any sleep and she has only slept through 1 night. We were really beginning to struggle and so was she. She was grumpy in the day and completely refusing to nap. 

3 days ago, things got to a head and we decided something needed to be done. 

We have changed her nursery around - she only now has a cot and a chair in there (E has the little room in the house) and so technically has her own dressing room!! 

We also changed the milk. We have moved her up to Cow and Gate growing up milk and she is a million times more settled and sleeping though. Who would have thought that something so simple would make the world of difference...

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Trigger 3 Teeth

Ellie's new gangster nickname. 

Last week saw Ellie's 3rd tooth start to break the gum but also a visit to the doctors.

When E was born, she had a clicky thumb, just like Mummy. The top of her thumb could over extend and she would often click it back into place whilst holding into toys etc. Whilst Daddy thought that this was pretty grim, I didn't think anything of it as both of my thumbs do the same thing. I just thought it was something 'inherited' 

However, last week, we noticed that it had stuck in a bent position and no amount of trying would shift it. So off we trotted to the doctors. 

E has trigger finger. Our doctor has never seen it in someone so little but we have found that you can be born with it - hence the clicking of the joint when she was diddly.

So now we are waiting to be referred to the Paed Orthopedic team to see what can be done! 

Saturday, 12 October 2013

It's been a while

Hola blog world! 

Apologies, it has been a while. Life got a whole lot hectic round here so I thought I would briefly fill you all in. 

September has gone by in a complete blur. We were really lucky to get a new house that we have absolutely fallen in love with and it is making such a lovely family home for us. 
In with the normal day to day jobs, packing became an almost daily activity. Let me tell you, packing up a house with a 9 month old inquisitive baby is no easy task. For every 1 thing we put in a box, she took 2 out! However we are now moved, unpacked and accepting visitors (who bring wine and cake!)

Other stuff - E is doing really well. She still amazes me every day. September saw not only her first steps and her first rugby match but her first tooth and she just loves life. She spends lost of her time smiling or laughing. She 'passed' her 9 month check with flying colours however sleep is proving tough sometimes! 
October has seen another 2 teeth and she walks all over the place. She grows in confidence every day. 

Chris is still Chris. My wonderful husband who puts up with me on a daily basis. Hopefully soon we'll get an answer to what is going on with him. Although everyday we take a step in the right direction. 

And me - well, I'll let you know when I get 5 minutes :-)